How to effectively use tags and hashtags on YouTube?

Hello friends, welcome to YouTube SEO Class Five! I hope previous classes have been helpful to you. So today's topic is hashtags. How to write hashtags will be discussed in this article. So let's start the article without wasting time. Having gone into detail about descriptions, we now turn to hashtags, which are a part of descriptions.

As we read above, in the description we also provide links to the rest of our videos, in the same way we will learn to write hashtags. After writing links to at least five videos with titles, we will write hashtags. Until today, only big YouTubers were taking advantage of hashtags, but now YouTube has put smaller YouTubers at the forefront. So we want to write at least fifteen hashtags in our video.

How to effectively use tags and hashtags on YouTube? - How many hashtags to use on YouTube

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1. Do hashtags working in YouTube videos?

The hashtag's primary function is to categorize each video. This means that when we use hashtags in our video, we are placing our video in a category.
 For example, if we write #PakistaniYoutuber in any of our videos, it means that we have placed our video in a folder named Pakistani YouTubers. Now, whenever someone writes these keywords, all the videos that have been placed in this category will appear. In the past, videos of big YouTubers always appeared on the front page in hashtags, but now YouTube has promoted small YouTubers, so whenever someone uses hashtags, it is beneficial.

2. How and where are hashtags written?

There is no specific place for writing hashtags, but remember that your hashtags should be related to the topic on which you are making the video. Most people write hashtags after pasting the title in the description, which is also the correct method, but many people always write after giving links to videos, which is a sign of professional description.

Remember that hashtags have no specific place to write, they can be written anywhere. Let's see how hashtags are written. Hashtags are very easy to write, just like I wrote a hashtag above. But there are some rules that need to be known. It is important to always have a hashtag symbol before writing hashtags to show that we are writing hashtags. If a hashtag contains only one word, write it immediately after the hashtag.

Remember that spaces are not given after writing hashtags, nor are spaces allowed in hashtags. And if the hashtags contain two or more words, then the first letter of each new word is written in large letters and we gave no space to it.

For example


In the first hashtag, we write only one word while in the second hashtag we write two words in which we write the first letter of Pakistani in big and then the first letter of the YouTuber is also written in big. This is the best way to write hashtags. Now it is important to know that we cannot write hashtags on our own in the beginning. And here too we will need a lot of ranking words which we will learn in detail in the next classes.

3. What mistakes do people make in writing descriptions

Most people also give links to their social media accounts in the description, which is a completely wrong way. For all social media links, YouTube has given us a separate tab in which we write our social media links so that if anyone wants to follow us on our social media, they can go there and follow the links. Can follow through. So remember that we will not write our social media or links in the description.

But if you mention a website in your video, then you can provide a link to that website in the description, even if that website is not your own. Some people give a lot of links in the description and do not put any order of things. This makes it difficult for your subscribers to understand, and most people cannot click on the links in the description. So write your description simply, as I mentioned earlier.


In the next article, we will talk about the importance of YouTube SEO. If you want to rank your videos on YouTube, it is important that you know how to optimize them for search engines. In this article, we will show you some tips and tricks that can help you improve your ranking on Google and other search engines.

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